Record Online Streaming Audio with Ease

Ever wonder how you could possibly record or rip a song that’s being streamed across the Internet onto your computer for free? Trying to download streaming audio directly to your computer can be quite difficult because different sites have different security measures put in place, so one program might work for one site, but not another.

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Pick a Sound Card and Start Your Home Recording

Digital recording becomes more and more popular now. By encoding analog sound into digital format, we can now process sound digitally, adding effects, mixing, and so on, plus edit to literally dozens of “generations” without any loss of quality. At this point, all you need is money, because even entry-level standalone digital equipment generally costs at least US$ 1000 to get started.

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How to Record Microphone Sound

Step1 – Connect Mic to the PC

Connect a Mic to the Microphone input of the PC or connect the Line-Out output on an external sound system or PA to the Line-In or Aux input on the computer.

Step2 – Choose Sound Source and Sound Card

Launch Free Sound Recorder. Click “Show Mixer Window” button to choose “Stereo Mix” as sound source and select the sound card in your system.

Step3 – Adjust Recording Settings

Click “Options” and a window will be activated. In “General Settings” area, you can specify an output format among MP3, WAV, WMA and OGG. Click “Settings” to adjust the recording quality by well-configured presets or configuration parameters. Click “Change” to select an output folder. It also has the ability to name the recorded file automatically by date and time. Other settings like AGC, VAS, Hot Key and Schedule are also available.

Step4 – Start Recording

After everything is set, just play the sound that you want to record. Then you can see wave variations in the wave pattern. You can adjust the Volume and Balanceto meet your demands.

Click the red round record button in Free Sound Recorder or press the hotkey you just set to start recording. To stop the recording, click “Stop Recording” and the recorded sound will be directly output to the output folder & listed in the file list with detailed information like filename, location, time, duration & size. You can play the recording with the built-in player.

Free Download

Download Free Sound Recorder for Free! To install and use of Free Sound Recorder will be no harder than downloading it – anyone can achieve their goals without painful learning. 100% free and no strings attached, guaranteed. Start your happy experience with a single click here!

How to Record Sound and Record Streaming Audio

Step1 – Select Recording Device and Sound Source

Launch Free Sound Recorder. Click “Show Mixer Window” button to choose “Stereo Mix” as sound source and select the sound card in your system.

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Ways to Record Audio

Recording audio is a very practical especially when you want to save some sound to your hard disk that can’t be extracted or imported from CD/DVD or existing video/audio files. Here we provide several free ways to record audio.

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