Ways to Convert Video Files

Almost all users will at some point have to transform the format of video files into a certain one, for instance, to convert video file to for mobile device playback, website uploading, downsizing by compression, etc. Here we provide several free ways to convert video files.

1. Free Video Convert Wizard

Free Video Convert Wizard can help you make situations easier to deal with. It is free video converter software that can convert video to all key formats with adjustable quality.

Step1 – Import Video Files

Click “Add” to import video files – to import one or more files, choose “Add Files”; to import a folder with video files, choose “Add Folder”; to import a folder with subfolder(s), choose “Add Folder Tree”. Then you can use “Up” & “Down” to change the order.

Step2 – Set Output Format & Quality

In “Profiles” menu, select the device you want to play the video on and you can see the details of the profile you select in the “Option Summary” panel at the right. You can directly choose “AVI” as the output format from “Container” menu. To edit the parameters of the profiles, click “New/Edit” and change the settings in the “Profile Editor” Window. You are allowed to choose the video and audio codec as well as the encoder to use. To change the codec settings, click “Video and Audio Options” and set the options as you want. Choose output path by “Browse“.

Step3 – Start Conversion

When all settings done, click “Start” to start video conversion and the process will be finished in no time.

More Tools

To download videos from 300+ video sharing websites, click “Video Downloader” tab.

To trim the video, click “Trim”.

It also allows you to rip DVD-Video. Just insert you video DVD or Blu-ray disc and click “DVD Ripper” tab to use the ripper.

Click “Tools” button and you will find more functions that may come helpful: File Info, Delays, Video-Audio Effects, Load Scripts, Image and Audio to Video, Dub Video, Video to GIF and Watermark.

2. Online Converter

This method is known by many people and online video converter can convert your media files from your hard disk, by URL/stream (http, ftp, mms, rtsp) or directly from Blip.tv, Break.com, Dailymotion, LiveVideo, MetaCafe… But the size of video clips will be limited and the conversion quality is not ensured. If you really want to use the online video converter, you can google “online video converter” and you will get a lot.

3. VLC Media Player

VLC Player is a free, open-source video player that can play any video format. It can also convert your video files into the format you want. The conversion process will take as long as the original video. This is because VLC plays the video and re-records it as the needed format.

4. Aimersoft Video Converter

There are many third video converter tools which can convert video to other formats in the market. For example, Aimersoft video converter can be a good choice. It can convert MPEG, AVI, MOV, WMV, MP4 and even HD video to any formats you want.

5. YouTube.com to Convert Video

If you want to convert video to FLV, you can consider using YouTube.com. First you need to upload the video file (should be in WMV, MPEG and AVI) and then download the video from YouTube and you will get the video in FLV.

Free Download

Download Free Video Convert Wizard for Free! To install and use of Free Video Convert Wizard will be no harder than downloading it – anyone can achieve their goals without painful learning. 100% free and no strings attached, guaranteed. Start your happy experience with a single click here!